Unipipe are specialist distributors of underfloor heating and renewable low-energy heating systems. Whilst we are well known for our multi-layer pipe and floor heating systems, which we take our name from, we also pioneered the use of heat pump technology in Ireland. Unipipe are the sole distributors of Swedish manufacturer NIBE, one of Europe's largest producers of heat pumps, for the 32 counties of Ireland.Our experience in under floor heating and even heatpumps goes back to the early 1980's – At that time we were installing ‘green energy' solutions before the term had been coined – it just seemed to make good sense to spend less money and be more comfortable! In an area where many others are new arrivals, our long-standing experience will give you peace of mind!We are always looking for the next innovation in energy renewable technology and have added SMARTFLOWER to our business portfolio. SMARTFLOWER POP is the World's first Self-Contained solar PV System. The inverter which converts the DC current provided by the solar PV cells is already installed and wired into the base. Made in Austria, this latest model launched about two years ago, has worldwide sales in excess of 1500 units already. Featured on Tech Insider's Facebook page in February it went viral with 78,000,000 views within one week!Our most recent venture is Ground Screws Ireland. Ground Screws are hammered out of steel and hot dip galvanized. Just like a wood screw is put into wood to withstand big loads, the ground screw is put into soil as a foundation for various kinds of constructions. Foundations with ground screws are stable for decades, but environmentally friendly and removable if necessary. The ground screws are low impact on the environment, do not disrupt the landscape, and are easily removable and reusable. Krinner Ground Screws are available with variable ground screw heads and adapters in different designs and sizes.