The North Carolina Business Committee for Education (NCBCE) is a business-led, education non-profit 501(c)(3) that operates out of the Office of the Governor. Since 1983, we have provided a critical link between North Carolina business leaders and the state's education decision makers, helping to create connections between the education curriculum and the overall work readiness of citizens across the state. The North Carolina Business Committee for Education non-partisan structure and 501(c)(3) non-profit status affords our members a vehicle through which they can explore and participate in education initiatives to advance public education transformation in North Carolina. NCBCE's independent board of directors, made up of senior business leaders, carries the influence and autonomy necessary to provide education decision makers with the aggregate thinking of diverse NC business leaders.NCBCE partners with statewide education departments and organizations to implement experiential projects that create a contextual fabric of understanding of the critical link between curriculum content and workforce talent needs. With our 32+ year history spanning six administrations, NCBCE has become the business voice and trusted advisor that creates and identifies best practices in education that lead to closing the workforce skills gaps and meeting North Carolina's business workforce demands.