Carolyn George

Caregiver at The Academy of Communication in Healthcare - Lexington, Kentucky, US

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The Academy of Communication in Healthcare
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The Academy of Communication in Healthcare

Lexington, Kentucky, US • 250 - 499 Employees

Mission: ACH is the professional home for researchers, educators, practitioners, and patients committed to improving communication and relationships in healthcare. It is a home that provides opportunities for collaboration, support, and personal and professional development. ACH accomplishes this through: - Focusing on strengths, resources and needs of patients, clinicians and other professionals - both as unique individuals and in relationships to one another. - Developing skills that integrate biological, psychosocial and social domains. -Applying existing scholarship from multiple disciplines and developing new knowledge through research. - Promoting collaborative relationships between clinicians and patients, teachers and learners, and other involved professionals. - Incorporating core values of respect, empathy and genuineness in human relationships and the importance of self-awareness in all activities. Vision: A health care system where all patients, providers, and trainees feel valued, are treated equitably with respect, compassion, understanding, and are actively engaged in healthcare processes and decisions.

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Details about The Academy of Communication in Healthcare
Frequently Asked Questions about Carolyn George
Carolyn George currently works for The Academy of Communication in Healthcare.
Carolyn George's role at The Academy of Communication in Healthcare is Caregiver.
Carolyn George's email address is *** To view Carolyn George's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Carolyn George works in the Education/Training industry.
Carolyn George's colleagues at The Academy of Communication in Healthcare are MaryBeth Salama, Laura Kirk, Krista Hirschmann, Greta Cpxp, Kelsey Kirsch, Sumita Kalra, Lynda Tang and others.
Carolyn George's phone number is N/A
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