Promoting educational equality and improving student outcomes through high quality, subject specific, borderless professional development options for English and Literature teachers wherever they may teach.Co-founder, Carolyn Newall has taught in a number of contexts in Australia and internationally. She became aware of vast differences in access to quality, rigorous professional development for teachers depending on where they lived. While this may have been harder to manage in the past, the internet removes many of the barriers of old.Having been born in India, and having spent her primary years in Singapore, Carolyn has long been troubled by the inequality of opportunities that were available to children in different places. While teaching in Queensland she worked with Judy Hefferan, another passionate teacher concerned for equality in education. Together they began We Teach Well as a way of reducing inherent inequalities in access to education for so many of the worlds children.There is substantial research to support the idea that children are better served by teachers who are confident in their subject knowledge, who are able to differentiate in their classrooms on the fly. We can provide professional development that increases teacher confidence.We Teach Well has formed a business model that enables schools in developed countries to work with and assist their colleagues in the developing world.