Zion Township's mission is "to act as liaison between Zion residents and community resources to empower and enhance the quality of life."The Township system of government is our country's oldest form of government. As with all townships in Illinois, Benton Township was established by the people to meet the common needs of residents of often widely scattered home sites more than 150 years ago. The township supervisor serves as chief executive officer of the township. The supervisor's duties and responsibilities include serving as chairman of the township board of trustees, supervisor of the general assistance program and treasurer of all town funds including general assistance.No two townships are the same as far as services offered. It is the privilege of each township supervisor to work to meet the need of its residents. Zion Township is responsible for the implementation and facilitation of a wide range of youth, senior, community and volunteer programs.Hours of OperationMonday through Friday9:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.