As a full-service wealth manager, I tailor my advice to each individual client. Creating a wealth management plan isn't a ‘one size fits all' job. You and I will work together to determine an approach that fits you — and only you. And it isn't static. Life happens and when it does, I'll be there to walk you through the changes and readjust your plan as needed.My strategy, along with being driven by you and your goals, is based on sound principles that lead to confident investing. Unicorns, hot stocks, the latest and greatest — forget about those. As someone who practices evidence-based investing, I don't get distracted by shiny stocks and hot funds. I'm not the most popular guy at the cocktail party giving out hot stock tips. That might sound boring, but my approach is savvy and sound. I build your portfolio in a way that works with the market and its expected returns, not against it. You can sleep easy knowing that all your eggs aren't in the wrong investment basket.It can be tempting to copy something a friend, relative, or colleague is doing. I'm there to stop you. Not only will I help you reach your financial goals, I'll help you become a better and more educated investor.