There is more to a mortgage than just Rate! Understanding the differences between mortgages is so hard that many Canadians have simply given up on trying to decipher the hundreds of pages of fine print that form a mortgage contract and have resigned to simply selecting a mortgage based on rate. Even worse have come to falsely believe that all mortgages are generally the same and that there is no real difference between them. Each lender has its own individual policies and procedures, its own lending criteria, and its own commitment to educating clients during the selection process. With mortgage payments representing 30-40% of your gross family income, it's too risky to walk into (or call) a financial institution and just accept that the person across the table has the experience or even the right mortgage options to provide you with the financing you need. ClearHome was formed to face these problems! Providing you with a directory of experienced mortgage brokers that have proven their ability to provide Canadians with both the access to a variety of high-quality banks and lenders and the capability of understanding the differences between these lenders policies, procedures and qualification requirements with the intent to match them to your individual financial needs.