"Fazio Engineerware" primary mission is to provide convenient access for NGOs, government agencies, and professionals involved in projects to internet-based engineering and planning software tools and applications. Highway 1 Suite has four applications pertaining to freeway capacity analyses and design. Highway 2 Suite involve bicycle and pedestrian applications for a wide range of facility types. Highway 3 Suite contains a multilane highway application for design, planning, and operational analysis. A two-lane highway operational analysis, design, and planning application for automobile and bicycle modes is in Highway 4 Suite. Highway 5 Suite has applications that estimate minimum freeway ramp spacing and minimum speed-change lane length. All-way STOP-controlled intersection operational methodology is contained in Highway 6 Suite. Highway 7 Suite has an application that analyzes roundabout traffic and estimates capacity, delay and queue length by approach lane. Highway 8 Suite contains a two-way STOP-controlled intersection application for design, planning, and operational analysis.