Atlantic Canada's climate services hub facilitating the effective use of climate data and information for regional adaptation and resilience strategies through collaboration, networking, and partnerships.We are user-driven, focusing on the needs of Indigenous communities, academia, provincial governments, municipalities, local service districts, non-profits, industry, and land-owners. CLIMAtlantic works with all regional and local groups to ensure there is a strong network of collaboration, and data and tools are easily accessible.CLIMAtlantic was created in partnership with the Canadian Centre for Climate Services (CCCS), all Atlantic Canada's Provincial governments, and the support from the Ecology Action Centre, New Brunswick Environmental Network (NBEN), and Aster Group. The Canadian network of climate hubs in partnership with CCCS includes Ouranos (Quebec), the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium (BC), and ClimateWest (Prairies). Regional climate data hubs support efforts to make all communities more resilient to extreme weather events.