Tides are the rise and fall of the sea caused by combined efforts. We envision Creative Tides being a collaboration of all things creative, a combined effort to come alongside each other and create something that will continue to be great even when the day is over.The reason Creative Tides began is to allow an event to impact more than just a single day. Creative Tides is a social enterprise, this means that at the core of who we are we care about the greater social cause around this world.We looked at the way things are being done and although we may not be able to change everything we do want to challenge it. 16% of the cost will go directly to The Giving Gifts, a non profit organization doing awesome things locally and globally allowing individuals to use their own gifts! How will you know if we actually decide to give? We give you the choice to give that 16% directly, so your event is now a tax write off and you can be assured you are a part of the greater impact!! We call this giving forward.