Since its founding, Riverfront Times has grown from St. Louis' largestnewsweekly into a vibrant community of online readers and consumersA relationship that we've been cultivating since 1977. With over a million local readers.Readers who are loyal. Readers who are outspoken and tell us what they thinkeveryday. Readers who turn to us to plan their weekend and evenings. Readerswho trust us. And laugh at us. And tell us when we're full of it. Readers whoappreciate what we bring to the table.Today's Riverfront Times cultivates and maintains a loyal and active readership by adaptingand relating to the reader.• The Riverfront Times reader has been reading the Riverfront Times an average of 6 years.• The average reader reads 2.5 issues in a 4 week period.• The Riverfront Times reader refers to the same issue an average of 3 times.