The American Children's Home opened in 1928 by the Junior Order United American Mechanics North Carolina State Council, our country's oldest patriotic fraternity. The Home initially served orphaned children of Junior Order members. However, as time passed there were fewer and fewer true orphans and we began accepting children through county Departments of Social Services. These children, who have suffered abuse, neglect and/or abandonment, have been removed from their homes by court order and need a caring, nurturing environment to help them deal with past experiences and prepare them for their future.We believe that every young child has the inherent right to live and grow in a happy and loving environment. The stability of tomorrow's world depends upon the strength of character within the spirit of each child today. The purpose of the American Children's Home is to help instill in the hearts of our boys and girls an understanding and love for their Creator, a loyalty to their country and its freedom and a respect for others and themselves. The American Children's Home seeks to provide the nurturing care that will heal a child's broken spirit and help reunite families who have experienced discord and separation.