Cassie Troyer

Executive Director at Green Light South Carolina - N/A, N/A, N/A

Cassie Troyer's Colleagues at Green Light South Carolina
Cassie Troyer's Contact Details
Townville, South Carolina
Green Light South Carolina
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Green Light South Carolina logo, Green Light South Carolina contact details

Green Light South Carolina

N/A, N/A, N/A • 5 - 9 Employees

Mission-Green Light South Carolina is an environmental organization.By installing free energy efficient light bulbs we bring light to the community. The mission of Green Light South Carolina is to provide a sustainable life style by introducing energy efficiency, solving climate change, promoting volunteering, educating people and creating social change by offering the CFL light bulb as a catalyst for a small action to result in a big impact. We are dedicated to helping families gain access to a more sustainable and therefore healthier lifestyle. We provide a pathway for anyone to attain an energy efficient lifestyle. No matter your social status, your location or your ethnicity, we all are subject to the same laws of nature. Climate change affects all of us and demands solutions from all of us . We are dedicated to our children and therefore to protecting the environment. We do it without discrimination.Serving others will become the focus of future generations. We foster the belief that a community is stronger than the product of its individuals. We believe that volunteering benefits both equally, the volunteer and the beneficiary, since they are both needed in the circle of giving and receiving. Education: Educating people about their opportunities will eventually resolve social injustice. Educating the community about global climate change and energy efficiency helps citizens to make decisions that lead to more sustainable lifestyles.

Details about Green Light South Carolina
Frequently Asked Questions about Cassie Troyer
Cassie Troyer currently works for Green Light South Carolina.
Cassie Troyer's role at Green Light South Carolina is Executive Director.
Cassie Troyer's email address is *** To view Cassie Troyer's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Cassie Troyer works in the Non-Profit industry.
Cassie Troyer's colleagues at Green Light South Carolina are and others.
Cassie Troyer's phone number is N/A
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