Investment Analyst at IforD - Luxembourg Microfinance and Development Fund - Luxembourg, , LU
VisionLMDF aims to contribute to the alleviation of poverty by supporting organisations that empower people and stimulate entrepreneurship, with a particular focus on the most excluded. The Fund facilitates access to responsible finance by building sustainable links between investors, microfinance institutions and ultimate beneficiaries.In order to realize its Vision, LMDF:• Constitutes an attractive investment proposition by balancing stable financial returns to investors with the provision of responsible financial services to the poor.• Specializes in facilitating the growth of promising emerging microfinance institutions which address the financial needs of marginalized communities and individuals in developing countries.• Enables the development of micro-entrepreneurs in areas where unmet needs are largest, particularly among women, youth and rural populations.• Is accessible to public, institutional and retail investors and is accountable for reaching both social and financial objectives, and transparent in its reporting.