Early Childhood Consultant at Family & Childcare Resources of NEW - Green Bay, WI, US
We are dedicated to supporting healthy child development by providing high quality education, support and programs to families and early childhood professionals.Our agency is a nonprofit that provides education, support, information referral and evidence-based home visitation programs and early childhood consultation (quality improvement for early childhood providers) throughout Northeast Wisconsin. We provide services for two primary segments, one is families and guardians and the second is child care providers and professionals.On our family side, we provide in-home visitation programs as well as seminars and group training through our Triple P. Program. Our service delivery area is Brown County and Oconto County. On the child care side, we provide technical consulting to child care providers, continuing education to providers and professionals as well as on-site custom training. We also pride ourselves on providing unbiased child care referrals that are customized to the clients need at no cost.