The Sustainable Development Group Association (Grupul de Dezvoltare Durabila) is established in order to contribute to the sustainable development of the ecosystem, through the development and coordination with stakeholders (public authorities with responsibilities in regional development and environmental protection, research institutes, organizations NGOs, other public or private entities), sustainable development programs, environmental, scientific, cultural, aiming at protecting and preserving human life, flora, fauna, habitat, contribute to the development of appropriate behavior through The activity own or by supporting initiatives that aim to similar objectives. To achieve goals, the Association will perform the following activities: Will initiate national and international action, personally or in participation with national non-governmental organizations, foreign or international profile, promote sustainable development in the entire Black Sea basin (human life, flora, fauna, water, habitat) for conservation area and to restore its international tourist circuit; will initiate and participate in public debates in the publications or radio-TV with this theme, and will raise awareness to integrate into programs promoting sustainable development in the Black Sea area; will support the modernization projects of industrial, agricultural or otherwise, which are obsolete and polluting the Danube and the Black Sea; will help bring the ideas and concepts for the protection of the Black Sea, the natural ecology of this area, part of the universal heritage, human-nature relationship; will attract financial resources to develop programs that focus on protecting the Danube and the Black Sea area; will publish advertisements, brochures, leaflets, magazines, in order to achieve the objectives set out in previous paragraphs; will encourage and support independent research focused on the Black