Cathe Pelaez

mercadeo at Doricolor - Sabaneta, Antioquia, Colombia

Cathe Pelaez's Colleagues at Doricolor
Luz Jaramillo

Coordinador de exportaciones

Contact Luz Jaramillo

Wendy Florez


Contact Wendy Florez

Andrea Contreras

Auxiliar de mercadería y ventas minoristas

Contact Andrea Contreras

Deisi Pena

Jefe de ventas Doricolor Bogota

Contact Deisi Pena

View All Cathe Pelaez's Colleagues
Cathe Pelaez's Contact Details
Cathe Pelaez's Company Details
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Sabaneta, Antioquia, Colombia • 61 Employees
Renewables & Environment

"CADA DÍA, LO HACEMOS MEJOR"Reza el eslogan de una compañía que nació con el objeto de convertirse en la mejor alternativa para el mercado colombiano. En un principio con productos para tinturar prendas de vestir, años más tarde en la elaboración de productos de uso escolar como temperas, vinilos, creyones, plastilinas y colas blancas. Estos, junto con otros productos elaborados y comercializados desde nuestra planta ubicada en Sabaneta – Antioquia, hacen parte de un amplio portafolio de productos enfocados en que la experiencia con el color siempre se aborde de la manera más intensa y natural posible.Doricolor, SiPega y Parchesitos, son marcas de nuestra Casa Doricolor."EVERY DAY, WE DO IT BETTER"This is the slogan of a company that was born with willing to become the best alternative for the Colombian market.At the beginning with products to dye clothes, years later with the elaboration of products for school use such as tempera paints, vinyl paint, crayons, plastiscines and white glues. These, along with other products manufactured and marketed from our plant located in Sabaneta - Antioquia, are part of a diverse portfolio of products focused on ensuring that the experience with color always be approached in the most intense and natural way possible.Doricolor, SiPega and Parchesitos, are brands of our Doricolor House.

Details about Doricolor
Frequently Asked Questions about Cathe Pelaez
Cathe Pelaez currently works for Doricolor.
Cathe Pelaez's role at Doricolor is mercadeo.
Cathe Pelaez's email address is *** To view Cathe Pelaez's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Cathe Pelaez works in the Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering industry.
Cathe Pelaez's colleagues at Doricolor are Luz Jaramillo, Luisa Madrid, Wendy Florez, Andrea Contreras, Herman Sepulveda, Deisi Pena and others.
Cathe Pelaez's phone number is +5743054700
See more information about Cathe Pelaez