2020 reFresh Social Enterprise for new season... leading by example to inspire and empower people (individuals, organisations, cities) to identify a vision then practical plan to get there. Services https://imagineering2abetterworld.com/services/Coaching for individuals - 3 packages available. https://youtu.be/55_4B_8jRfs Consulting for organisations. Training, seminars & speaking. Products - Books: Prosper as Your Soul Prospers: A Holistic Approach to Basic Money Management from a Soul & Spirit Perspective; The Man Who Came Back: Graphic Novel. Both suit older teens and younger adults. The first helps you develop your financial and emotional intelligences and also great for those in transition. It reveals a strategy to reduce world poverty. Graphic novel unexpectedly has unintended audience also of children from 10 years old up due to cute anime style.FREE services - 2 podcasts / video series: Women's Wisdom through the Ages & F7 Building Blocks 2 Freedom with Hikairo Phillipsplus blog on societal transformation - latest blog series' on Social Enterprise Evolve for Our Cities & Its People to Thrive; a Futurist Solution To...We love collaboration too. Sydney based but services also available online via application. Very happy to travel to you when we can!https://imagineering2abetterworld.com/contact/