General Contractorn 2003, Phelps & Phelps Consulting, LLC was founded by Donald. Phelps. Phelps & Phelps Consulting, LLC is a minority owned company which offers a full range of consulting expertise in the field of Construction Management, General Contracting and Move Management Services. Since Phelps & Phelps Consulting's first client, the National Cancer Institute, we have performed a multitude of services for the following clients: Department of Labor, GW Hospital, Heart Lung & Blood, National Defense University at Fort McNair, Child Development Center at Fort Myers, Army Corp of Engineers, DC Score, Studio 27, GSA, Montgomery County Government, The National Institute of Health (NIH) and the Department of Interiors in New Orleans, the Academy for Educational Development (AED), VISA, and Food & Drug Administration (FDA) in various states and Puerto Rico.