Osteopathy Manual Practitioner | LIFE Therapist | Director of Health In Motion Rehabilitation Inc.
Clinical Exercise Physiologist / Lifestyle Medicine Practioner (FASLM)
Our Director, Natan Gendelman is a Manual Osteopathic Practitioner with over 30 years experience in medical and rehabilitation field. He has graduated from a 5 year program at the Canadian College of Osteopathy in the year 2006. During his practice as a kinesiologist and Osteopathic Manual practitioner, Natan developed LIFE method (Learning Independent Function Everyday) for children with severe disabilities, which has been awarded first place on 12th Warsaw Medical Congress in Pediatric Session. Over the past 10 years Natan has successfully treated hundreds of severely disabled children suffering from cerebral palsy. He taught them numerous invaluable fine and gross motor skills and improved their cognitive abilities and attention spans. Owing to Natan's experience, perseverance, expertise and professionalism, his patients are now able to lead much more independent and fulfilling lives. If you would like to hear more about our success stories, kindly contact us directly and we will forward you all the necessary information upon request.