Air Force Recovery Care Coordinator at Air Force Wounded Warrior - JBSA Randolph Tx, JBSA Rando, N/A
Cinematographer | Photographer | Editor | Motion Graphic Artist
The Air Force Wounded Warrior (AFW2) Program works together with the Air Force Survivor Assistance Program, Airman & Family Readiness Centers and the Air Force Medical Service to provide concentrated non-medical care and support for combat wounded, ill and injured Airmen (and their families) as they recover and transition back to duty or into civilian life. The Air Force defines a wounded warrior as "any Airman who is seriously wounded, ill, or injured that may require a Medical Evaluation Board/Physical Evaluation Board to determine fitness for duty."More than 8,400 wounded warriors their families and or caregivers are being supported by the AFW2 Program. The number continues to grow as more wounded warriors are identified. The AFW2 Program is functionally aligned under the Air Force Warrior Care Division and operationally managed by the Air Force Personnel Center.AFW2 is a Congressionally-mandated, federally-funded program that provides personalized care, services and advocacy to seriously or very seriously wounded, ill or injured Total Force recovering service members and their Caregivers and families. AFW2 focuses on specific personal and family needs and includes programs that cover a gamut of situations throughout the recovery process and beyond.