The fallout from COVID-19 will extend far beyond its toll on human lives.Small businesses and entrepreneurs are being hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic.The IMF has predicted that we are heading for a recession comparable to the economic crisis of 2008.The Superheroes Project, a non-for-profit Konsälidön initiative, helps small businesses and entrepreneurs cope with and recover from stress or losses related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our ever-growing team of Superheroes are experienced and qualified professionals who are ready to help you reboot and rebuild at whatever price you can afford (including for free, if need be) in areas such as:-Setting up a company-Taking your business online-Increasing sales-Getting financial support-Recruiting a team-Training your team-Managing a remote team-Improving performance-Obtaining expert advice-Obtaining legal advice-Obtaining financial advice-Getting administrative help-Coping with stress-Finding a shoulder to lean on-Learning a skill-Finding a job-Exploring alternative healing-And more...We plan to help you survive during the upcoming difficult months and prepare you to thrive beyond this period.We will get through this, together. Please visit to find a Superhero for you.