Cayla Dementov

Middle School Science Teacher at Victory Charter schools - Kissimmee, FL, US

Cayla Dementov's Contact Details
Tampa, Florida, United States
Victory Charter schools
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Victory Charter schools logo, Victory Charter schools contact details

Victory Charter schools

Kissimmee, FL, US • 100 - 249 Employees

Educational FocusThe educational focus of the school is based on the utilization of scientifically researched instructional practices together with technology taught by highly qualified instructors to meet the needs of students with different learning styles and abilities.1. High-quality curriculum materials are used to achieve the educational goal2. Rigorous and interactive learning environment3.Project-Based Learning [PBL]:-Lessons based on open-ended driving question or challenge-Essential content and skills-Inquiry-based learning-Critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, and various forms of communication-Student voice and choice-Teacher and student feedback-Publicly presented product or performance4. Character development and ethics instruction are strong components in the overall program of the School. Improving both the academic and emotional lives of students, helping them to become more confident individuals.5. Using proven strategies, conducted by teachers, guidance counselors, parent education through orientation and PTSA meetings, assemblies, and daily morning announcements messages. Faculty and staff members dedicated to teaching principles, which are being emphasized into everyday interactions with students.

Education Management
Details about Victory Charter schools
Frequently Asked Questions about Cayla Dementov
Cayla Dementov currently works for Victory Charter schools.
Cayla Dementov's role at Victory Charter schools is Middle School Science Teacher.
Cayla Dementov's email address is *** To view Cayla Dementov's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Cayla Dementov works in the Education/Training industry.
Cayla Dementov's colleagues at Victory Charter schools are Patty Smithey, Edward J., Angel Alicea, Destiny Maldonado, Geraldo Ramos, Forrest Jeunesse, Adam Grim and others.
Cayla Dementov's phone number is N/A
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