We have thousands of satisfied customers since 2013!100% CERTIFIED: At CBDO our products are organically produced, we control the entire process from seed to finished product. Because we have 100% control of the whole manufacturing process, our products are the highest quality you can buy.The hemp we use is grown organically in Slovenia, a country renowned for his high standards in soil care and low levels of pollution. Unlike other manufacturers who source their hemp from China or make their products from the leftovers of the hemp fibre industry.Many companies, manufactures and distributors are just links in a chain. They buy their plants from another grower or wholesaler before production or they buy their products in bulk from a bigger company and then rebrand it as their own. This creates a danger for you as a consumer since the companies selling the product can't guarantee the whole manufacturing process of their products.Our CBD production method is the safest but most expensive way to extract CBD. The plant material is cooled under high pressure using CO2 and then the CBD oil is extracted, resulting in a very pure oil that has preserved all of its medicinal qualities.All our products are 3rd party lab tested.CUSTOMER CARE: You need contactable customer service that can help you before, during and after the purchase and give you any information you need about the products you are considering.We are providing customers with guaranteed product quality and information regarding the production process is part and parcel of our service. If you have questions, we have answers.CBDO LTD ., 272 BATH STREET, GLASGOW, G2 4JRhello@cbdo.co.uk0141 530 7547