AFFCO Flowcontrol stands for high quality and high performance technical flowcontrol solutions.Our focus is on concentric butterfly valves, double/triple eccentric, quadruple butterfly valves and actuation (from mechanical to remote control). Starting production in 2004 in Shanghai P.R. China, and many years of casting knowledge before that, gives us a very strong foundation for high quality manufacturing of butterfly valves and selected actuators to offer a solution to each marketsegment and customer. Dedicated in-house engineering, design and production can be done in accordance with client specifications, also an extensive range of standard size butterfly valves in any configuration and suitable to any industry can be produced. With a large stock of standard range and sizes butterfly valves in China (Shanghai) as well as in Europe (Netherlands) we are always ready to serve you!Check our website for more info!www.affco-flowcontrol.comHAPPY·PROFESSIONAL·COMMITTED ·EFFICIENT·TEAMWORK