The ability to build, maintain and develop a team is one of, if not the most important skill any manager can have. When you can get the right people hired and have them work effectively together, you then have the correct base to meet any future obstacles as well as benefit from opportunities that will come your way.An incredible amount of time, effort and money are spent daily on efforts to correct "teams" that are not really effective or setup to function well.Selecting personnel as well as making the final hiring decisions and controlling all that surrounds this key area are not actions Performia suggest one delegates to some non-proven "expert" as it will always be you, the manager, who will have to live with the consequences of whatever wrongful decisions are made.Once you have a real team built around you, what you REALLY want to do suddenly becomes possible. And that is the experience we want all of our clients to achieve, no matter how impossible it might seem in the past, you can get the information including the needed tools that opens the doors to do it right consistently. And that, is what Performia is all about.