ABF Behavioral Health is an extraordinary company dedicated to the treatment of a wide variety of mental health issues in both adults and children. We are a group that includes clinical neuropsychologists, mental health and rehabilitation professionals, and we provide services in these areas. More importantly, our cutting-edge and symptom-focused treatment modalities define an alternative approach to behavioral health interventions that is based on normalizing brain function, and is often more effective than both traditional counseling and medication-based therapies.Our treatment model is noninvasive, safe and effective. Our assessment model is based on a combination of one-to-one diagnostic interview, brain mapping, and normative behavioral testing. Our treatment modalities include EEG biofeedback (sometimes called Neurofeedback), and only the latest 19-channel LORETA-based Z-Score EEG biofeedback methods. These may be combined with gentle stimulation of the brain using pEMF and transcranial Direct Current (tDCS) methods, peripheral biofeedback, photonic light stimulation, and others. These may in turn be combined with counseling and/or rehabilitation strategies as each case requires.