CEO • Positive Communication Guru • Cultural Relationship Expert • Executive Leadership Consultant
Public Speaking Classes Washington DC, Self-Esteem Workshop Maryland, Self Esteem Counseling DC Maryland, Confidence Consulting DC, Executive Leadership Training Lessons, Communication Consulting, & Professional Development Courses.NOSIRI Empowerment Center provides positive communication consulting training, self-esteem counseling and confidence coaching consulting, public speaking training coaching, interview skills training, leadership development lessons, personal and professional growth training to cultivate an empowered life for each client. Through Dr. Nosiri's developed communication empowerment coaching methodology, clients are able to build bridges to success in self-esteem, confidence, public speaking and leadership skills, propelling their world.Contact NOSIRI Empowerment Centerwww.nosiri.comwww.publicspeakingdcmd.blogspot.comwww.publicspeakingdcmd.blogspot.comwww.dccommunicationcoach.blogspot.comwww.self-esteemcounselor.blogspot.comwww.chizomanosiri.blogspot.comPhone: (240) 271-6098Facebook: