FECEDA | Meta Official Employees FundWe are a supportive family made up of more than 4,500 official employees of the Meta department. During the last 35 years we have worked to improve the quality of life of our associates and their families.It has a team of more than 30 personal finance advisers with the skills and enough tools to support you from the comfort of your home.Mission: Contribute to the integral development of associates and their families through the provision of financial and social services in a timely and efficient manner.Vision 2022: To be the preferred employee fund for our technological innovation and services with a spirit of solidarity.Quality policy: We are a solidary company committed to the efficient management of resources and the humanization of services, through warmth and social responsibility, for the integral growth of the organization, the associates and their families.QUALITY OBJECTIVESDirect the sustainable development of FECEDA, focused on the fulfillment of the mission and vision, as well as the strengthening of the service management and the associative bond.Strengthen the skills of human talent, as well as the opportunity of the necessary resources to ensure efficiency in the provision of the service.Strengthen economic capital with competitive and safe financial services that guarantee the sustainability of the organization and promote the culture of solidarity savings.Strengthen the technological management oriented to the assurance of the information, increase the use of the virtual service and reduce the consumption of paper.Promote wellness, education and ecological culture activities for associates and the community in general.