Founded in 2010 by Dr. Robert Malkin from Duke University, Global Public Service Academy (GPSA) was created with an understanding that youth and young adults can make a difference in the world.We are a socially responsible organization whose mission is to improve community health services in low resource areas of Guatemala, Belize, Thailand and the USA and provide hands-on experiential learning programs to young adults who have a passion for health occupations.We achieve our mission by:Working in partnership with local health authorities, clinics, healthcare workers and community stakeholders to identify community needs, support health programming, design and implement community health projects.Working in educational collaboration with experts in the field of global health to offer high quality health curriculums, online programming and travel programs to Guatemala, Belize, Thailand and West Virginia, USA for young adults. Our participants receive healthcare training, work alongside local health workers and support the health system of low resource communities in a cross-cultural engagement.