Cultivating relationships. Designing inspiring places. Enriching communities. Since 1976, BOUDREAUX has built upon its strong reputation as a dynamic, socially responsible firm committed to excellence in architecture, interiors and planning. With extensive experience throughout the state of South Carolina and beyond, the firm has been recognized for its leadership in providing the highest level of service and design to numerous educational, government, community, corporate and religious institutions. BOUDREAUX is committed to excellence through service, ethical and professional practice, and quality design. We remain keenly aware that careful listening is an integral part of discerning the clients’ objectives and is key to the success of every project. Our team is recognized for tremendous motivation, drive and dedication, which has repeatedly resulted in successful projects, satisfied clients and awards for excellence. Of utmost importance to BOUDREAUX is teamwork. We believe that successful project design grows out of the active participation of all members of the project team: owner, architects, engineers, project managers and special consultants. To that end, BOUDREAUX continues its commitment to provide the highest level of service and experience possible to create relevant, quality architecture for today and for the future. This focus includes a commitment to the environment through the creation of sustainable architecture. BOUDREAUX's success has resulted from a way of thinking that has remained largely unchanged through the years, promoting a corporate concept that encourages personal community involvement, fosters shared values, and embraces a commitment to quality architecture.