Player2Player seeks to enrich the lives of youth athletes and their communities through the shared love language of sports. Player2Player's high school student athletes act as Coaches for younger, aspiring athletes to provide one-on-one training and group clinics. We began in the Lake Travis area of Austin, Texas and have since expanded into Westlake and Dripping Springs markets. We will continue to grow over the coming year, adding new cities to our website and building a mobile application for easier booking. In 2018, the idea came to Founder Jennifer Wright while on a drive home through her neighborhood one night. She saw a high school-aged boy playing basketball with a much younger boy, showing him a better form to shoot the ball. and thought to herself how much sense that made – who better to help young kids learn a sport than the older kids they already look up to playing the sport at a high school level.Having multiple children who are student-athletes herself, Jennifer is all too aware that high schoolers are so overwhelmed with the demands of their schedules – with school, practice, and games – that they just aren't able to maintain a regular job, no matter how much they (or their parents) want one, without sacrificing the sport they love. Player2Player provides a meaningful employment opportunity for these high schoolers, on a schedule they set for themselves.It also got Jennifer thinking about all the parents out there who would love to have a flexible, fun, productive activity for their little tikes. Player2Player provides a convenient and affordable alternative to hiring private professional coaches or enrolling in endless development camps and clinics. For the middle school girl trying to prepare for her first high school soccer try-out next year or for the high-energy little boy who isn't quite sure which sport will capture his full attention yet; Player2Player is the perfect training solution.