GROß DESIGN PVT. LTD established in 2013 incorporated under company act, 1956 with vision and mission to provide world class training and consultancy to industries and engineers.A technical initiative with this company is to provide advanced training in Computer Aided Drafting (CAD), Computer Aided Machining (CAM), Finite Element Methods (FEM), Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Building Energy Simulation (BES) to industrial professional, academicians, and undergraduate engineers.The course curriculum is fully industry oriented, made by renowned industry experts, researchers and academicians from technical universities.Our Vision:To accomplish and sustain academic and industrial knowledge by developing highly technical systems, courseware and training procedures.Our Mission:To make world-class highly qualified engineers to serve industries with great technical knowledge.To provide technical consultancy to small and medium level industries as well as technical assistance for engineering students to improve their productivity and knowledge.For any enquiry mail us: training@grobdesign.inWebsite: www.grobdesign.inWebsite: www.gdprojects.inBlog: www.grobdesign.blogspot.inOur Team: