Brain health and healing messages leave the brain by way of the brain stem, pass through the neck, downthe spinal cord and out over the entire nervous system to all parts of the body. These messages control, monitor and maintain everything that goes on in the body. They also direct allbody healing!! A fall, automobile accident, whiplash, bad sleeping habits, a bump on the head, bad posture oreven a difficult birth ing process can cause muscles of the neck to contract and hold the head and neck in a misaligned position. Upper Cervical misalignment can disrupt or distort the normal flow of brain health and healing messagesto the body. That part of the body not able to communicate efficiently with the brain will begin to develop problems. The upper cervical procedure is designed to remove misalignment interference at the top of the neck to restore the normal flow of brain healing messages to the body, so its natural self-healing process can begin.