EMR Direct services modernize medical workflow and improve patient care by simplifying healthcare interoperability. We provide easy-to-use, affordable services to healthcare professionals and Health IT developers so they can interoperate broadly, without the need for expensive, one-off, peer-to-peer interfaces for each different clinical exchange partner.EMR Direct is headquartered in San Diego, California, and is committed to developing and bringing to market technologies that protect patient privacy, improve the quality and coordination of care, increase productivity, and reduce costs. As part of this commitment, EMR Direct actively volunteers in numerous government-sponsored and industry workgroups to help define best practices for the use of Direct Messaging, HL7 FHIR, and IHE query.Our phiMail® Direct Messaging platform follows the Direct Project protocol required for use in sending referrals and other transition of care summaries electronically in ONC Certification criteria. phiMail, Direct Addresses, and Digital Certificates are available through EMR Direct as a standalone web-based HISP software package, and through XDR, SMTP, or the rapid integration phiMail API. Our phiCert Digital Certificates are also available independently of our Direct messaging and Application Access APIs (FHIR) solutions.The same ease of integration popularized by phiMail is also available for Application Access APIs (HL7 FHIR) and IHE query. Interoperability Engine is 2015 Edition Certified, and we've already assisted many vendors in meeting 2015 Edition b.1, h.1, and g.7-9 criteria.EMR Direct offers complimentary Developer accounts including everything needed for Direct and FHIR certification testing, available here: https://www.emrdirect.com/subscribe-developerFor production web-based, SMTP or XDR (for Epic, MEDITECH, & others) Direct Messaging (HISP) service, register here:https://www.emrdirect.com/subscribe