Mission StatementMBI's mission is to be the essential resource for improving member performance and promoting a business environment favorable to the construction industry. The Master Builders of Iowa is the recognized leader of the construction industry in the State of Iowa. Founded in 1912, the MBI is one of over 89 chapters of the Associated General Contractors of America, the most influential and widely respected construction association in the country. MBI's 2300 plus members perform the majority of the state's commercial, industrial and public works building projects. The Association provides its members with a comprehensive array of educational, safety, environmental, labor, legal, and professional development and legislative services.Master Builders of Iowa has been the recipient of the Large Chapter of the Year Award presented by the AGC of America. This is the most prestigious award that the National AGCA bestows upon the Chapter that best exhibits the tenets of the AGGA: skill, responsibility and integrity. Applications are judged by a National Committee of judges comprised of AGCA Executive Committee members, National Officers and Chapter peers. The competition for the award is always very rigorous among the Chapters of the AGCA, located in every state of the Union, including Puerto Rico.