Prixx Works, started its journey in 2016 September, in area of Robotics with the name of Team Prixx under college level. We have achieved many national level achievements in the most popular Colleges ofIndia and we have also collaborated with college Team with whom we made our debut atInternational Level Combat Robotics Event and secured positions and achieved lots of prizes in various Robotics events. We have also been awarded at national level. Since 2018 March, we have been participating in many National and International Events and now we have entered in the Machining sector as an Entity to help our Fellow Indian Roboteers in machining of their Robots and other parts for which students find difficult to search. The concept behind PRIXX_WORKS was a one stop solution for the Indian Roboteers students who face issues ordifficulty in finding correct machining area or rates or proper guidance for machining.As our team faced such issues in past we wanted to help students and thus here is the PRIXX_WORKS which is working hard to provide the student proper Guidance, Machining Solution and Engineering solution.Currently our machining firm PrixxWorks is nationally and Internationally getting Famous as we gave our 1st international machining services in Mexico in December 2020. We also intend upon entering into the Industrial Machining sector as a start-up with E-Commerce idea soon. We are growing with our team.The Machining solution nationally and internationally will be totally different in future with our new Start-up-Idea soon.Stay Tuned with us!!!!.