Get Stegoed is all about social and environmental responsibility for the conscious consumer. At Get Stegoed we believe that people are becoming increasingly aware of the purchases they make. By empowering the consumer to give back when they spend we can send the message that philanthropy is no longer just an option but a way of business. Get Stegoed is a culture, lifestyle and movement rooted in good and green business practices. We have founded Good&Green, which serves underprivileged youth in Southern California (Good) and promotes (Green) ways of life. When you buy a tank/shirt from our logo line, we are able to donate shirts to children in need, educate about sustainable living and promote good vibes. As we grow as a company, we plan on going 100% green-alternative by using only plant-based alternatives to cotton such as: hemp, bamboo, flax and tencel. We hope to resurrect the mind from prehistoric notions of these alternatives to cotton and teach the conscious consumer to associate these sustainable materials with a way of life. Thank YOU for helping us to make the world a little more Good&Green.