FACTS: The state of the supplement industry isn't a pretty place currently. It's a place where you will find greed, deception, dangerous products, and malicious intent. Supplements can most certainly help, but let's not kid ourselves here…they aren't the "miracle pills" that most companies make their products out to be. The industry has become a place filled with people who think they can make a quick buck and at the customers expense. REALITY CHECK: Consumers are tired of being lied to. Consumers are no longer falling for supplement companies shenanigans.Consumers want to know what they're putting in their bodies.Consumers need a company they can trust.People need much more than just a pill or powder to truly reach their fitness goals.SOLUTION: At this point, you're probably asking yourself why we'd start a company in an industry like this? Well that's a great question, and it's because we want to solve all of the problems we just listed that consumers are facing. We realized that someone NEEDS to change the way things are being done, so why cant that someone be us? Someone's gotta be that hero; the one willing to challenge the status quo, the company that will finally shift the needle within the industry. OUR PROMISE: Everybody on the ModernBody team has a real passion for not only health and fitness, but more importantly for helping others. That passion for helping others has shaped who we are. In reality, we'd all be willing to go as far as saying that ModernBody isn't even a supplement company. It's a passionate community that is driven by the mission of helping others. When you buy our products, you become one of our clients that we will stop at no costs to help. You aren't just a customer, but a part of our community. If we can't help you achieve the EXACT results you're looking for, then we're gonna give you your money back—because at the end of the day, we can't accept your money if we haven't been able to help change your life.