SRIT is a Private Limited company registered in Bangalore, India. It was incorporated in the year 1999. founded by Dr. Madhu Nambiar, CEO of SRIT.SRIT had been judged among the top 50 fastest-growing technology companies (India, 2006) by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Asia-Pacific Region. SRIT is the "BRAND OF THE YEAR 2015" for Healthcare Managed Services - Recognized by Silicon India Magazine. The first IT & Software Solutions Company to receive a 4-star rating from the German-Japanese audit firm good governance - TÜV-STAR - in the areas of Corporate Governance & Integrity, Occupational Health & Safety, Quality, Environment, Information Security, Corporate Social Responsibility, Financial Disclosure, Brand/Innovation, Fair Trade & Competition, in February 2008 World's first SSE-CMM Level 5 assessed IT company PCMM Level 5, BS ISO/IEC 27001:2005 and ISO 9001:2008 certified Company CMMi Level 3 assessed, BS ISO/IEC 27001:2005 and ISO 9001:2000 certified Company.The company offers solutions for the Healthcare, e-Governance, Telecom and custom application development and integration services.