Freelance Director of Creative Communications at Process Green - , California, United States
Process Green is a credit card processing company that donates 10% of net residual profits to non-profits.Our services are deeply rooted in transparent and socially responsible business practices that minimize costs and save time while fostering tangible contributions to society. We fight for your peace of mind by negotiating the best rates with merchant processors and consistently ensuring your account is kept safe and running. Visit www.ProcessGreen.comProcess Green offers you the ability to process credit cards in multiple formats:- Online Credit Card acceptance (shopping carts)- Smart Phones – iPhone, iPad, Android integration etc...- POS (Point Of Sale) Software and Hardware Systems- Compatibility with Quickbooks software- Wireless Terminals- Hard-wired, Dial-up or IP (internet) ConnectivityOur Promise:Process Green believes in Ethical Business Practices. We give great value to the products and services we provide and strive to maintain our competitive edge.Keeping our rates LOW translates into savings for our merchant businesses. If we can save you a small percentage cost on every credit card transaction, the numbers will quickly add up to LARGE savings.Process Green focuses its support on any organization that is working hard to keep individuals and communities in good health. We are privileged to make donations on an annual basis to the non-profit organizations that our businesses support.