Counselor Secretary at Scholar Education Counseling Services, Ltd. 學人留學顧問有限公司 - N/A, N/A, cn
学人留学顾问公司成立于1986年,是台湾海外留学的领导品牌。学人专注于美国留学咨询服务,包括研究生及本科申请。学人的顾问平均拥有20年以上相关工作经验,透过每年参与国际高等教育会议、国际教育展及学校访问,顾问不仅了解学校申请的动态,也深入了解学校环境及其教育资源。学人专精的领域,除了热门的商管、理工、教育外,学人的资深顾问还专精于生医、药学、护理、法律、艺术、建筑、设计等专业领域。学人在过去28年间,已成功地帮助超过5000名学生进入理想学府。您想出国留学吗?我们丰富的经验,能帮助您在既有条件下,最佳化申请结果。 Founded in 1986, Scholar Education Counseling Services, Ltd. (SECS) provides overseas educational counseling services for individuals who wish to pursue advanced degree or short-term studies in English speaking countries, mainly in the United States. Our professionalism, comprehensive school-matching system, and individualized service has helped thousands of Taiwanese and Chinese scholars pursue advanced education in top American institutes over the past 28 years. Are you considering an education abroad? Let our experiences help advance your excellence! AccreditationAIRC Certified Agency, 2014-2019Member of Association of International Educators (NAFSA), USACertified UK Education Agent of British CouncilAustralian Education Specialist, Australia Education InstituteMember of Taiwan Overseas Study Association (TOSA), TaiwanMember of International Education Consultants Association (IECA), Taipei City of Taichung, Certificate of Business Registration Business Certificate, Ministry of Economic Affairs (No. 10132302950)