The Healthcare Consulting Team at Medical Business Advisors, a division of KatzAbosch, specializes in working with physician's practices, hospital departments, and other healthcare entities. Our Consultants possess a wealth of knowledge best suited to provide practice advisory solutions tailored to improve your operational and financial performance., Our areas of expertise include increasing practice revenues, streamlining policies and procedures, patient experience improvement, selling or merging your practice, medical record chart audits including provider documentation/coding analysis and training, and managed care contract review, analysis and negotiation. We perform our services in a creative, constructive, efficient and timely manner and, as a result, have developed close and lasting relationships with our clients. Our bottom line is: We are available to improve your bottom line directly and efficiently, and we will not take a project unless we believe we can increase your revenue. Specialty Areas:* Practice Operational Assessments* Billing Department Review and Analysis* Financial Statement Analysis* Interim Management* Physician Compensation* Overhead Analysis* Billing, Internal Controls and Forensic Work* Practice Purchases, Sales and Mergers* Independent Baseline Medical Record Chart Audits* Payor Credentialing* Managed Care Contracting Analysis and Negotiation* Strategic Review and Planning* Litigation Support, Forensic Work, and Expert Witness Testimony* Speaking PresentationsPhysicians everywhere are increasing revenues, streamlining procedures, and improving patient services with healthcare consulting from our advisors. These are just an overview of the services we offer. Please contact us if you would like to discuss your situation to see how we can meet your objectives to develop a healthier practice today.