Welcome to our page where you can learn more about\\ESJ Electric Inc. experience, capabilities and our business\\operations….since ESJ Electric was founded in Palm beach in\\2009, we have grown to become one of the largest electrical\\Subcontractors in the sewagewith an annual average of 70+\\employees and contract revenues in the upper $5 million\\range. We have two established offices, one in Lake worth,Florida\\and the other in Jacksonville, North Carolina\\As a full-service electrical subcontractor, we perform work in a\\variety of commercial and industrial arenas with low to high\\voltage applications. This work is accomplished through our\\client focused market sector groups of Health Care & Data\\Centers; Commercial; Public Works; Manufacturing; Sustainable\\Energy and Service. Our work includes Comprehensive Pre-\\Construction, Design Assistance, BIM, CAD, Trimble Total\\Station, Detailing, Pre-Fabrication and Scheduling services in\\addition to our installation, project completion, O & M Virtual\\Manual and Service / Maintenance programs.\\We invite you to check out each of our links on this page and\\see for yourself why ESJ Electric Inc. Is the 'Subcontractor of\\Choice'.