The Wilderness Volunteer Fire Department (WVFD), is located in small-town, rural Mount Lookout, West Virginia.Our staff is made up from local dedicated volunteers and a number of combination members providing Fire & EMS coverage. We proudly serve a population area of approximately 3,500 residents - stretching over a 165 square-mile radius. Additionally, we can expect to see another 30,000-50,000 influx in our population each year from visitors and frequent travelers exploring our wonderful outdoor adventures & local attractions. WVFD specializes in providing Fire Suppression, Emergency Medical Services (EMS), Disaster Relief, Public Safety, and a variety of Rescue Services to the Communities of Mount Lookout, Mount Nebo, Nallen, Pool, Runa, Route 129 to the Summersville Dam, US Route 19 (30mm-37mm), and Route 41 to Route 60 in Fayette County.Although, it's not uncommon to see our volunteers and rigs outside the district - as we frequently provide services expanding beyond our primary area.