Peter Reilly is the President and Director of Injury Analysis for Dynamic Claims Solutions, Inc. He analyzes medical, psychiatric and legal records for claims professionals and attorneys to evaluate damages, assess discovery needs, scrutinize psychometric and neuropsychological test data, and develop negotiation and litigation strategies to resolve cases effectively. Commonly in brain injury and PTSD cases, he is asked to develop deposition and cross-examination materials for defense counsel to aggressively challenge plaintiff's evidence. Peter assesses the merits of a case and advises if it is medically defensible or whether settlement should be considered. He provides training for claims, legal and related professionals regarding:• Evaluating Traumatic Brain Injury• Debunking Neuropsychological Injury Litigation• Differentiating Pre-existing versus Post-traumatic Injury Sequelae• Recognizing PTSD and Challenging Fraudulent Claims• The Impact of Psychological Overlay• Conscious versus Unconscious Manipulation