The 21st Century Partnership works to enhance the military value of Robins Air Force Base and Middle Georgia. We work closely with the local, regional, state and national governments, regional chambers, development authorities, and other interested parties to ensure the long-term viability and sustainability of Robins Air Force Base and economic development throughout the region.Accordingly, the 21st Century Partnership acts as the community liaison for ensuring:The ability to operate a variety of missions at Robins free of any operational restrictions (e.g., encroachment, air quality)The community's ability to support current and new missionsThe community support and infrastructure necessary to ensure Middle Georgia remains conducive for military missionsThe identification and implementation of community and installation partnershipsThe community's ability to provide a trained and qualified work forceDefining and measuring the quality of life support afforded to assigned personnel and families by the Middle Georgia communitiesWork with our community partners to foster regional development.