ENCEPHALON SCIENTIFIC REVIEW ARTICLE COMPETITIONTopic: Assigned Category and Subject Deadline: January 15, 2018Award Goal: Published Article in Technology JournalEligibility: Undergraduate and Graduate StudentsENCEPHALON 2018 MACHINE LEARNING GRANTTopic: Develop Self-Driving Vehicle ArchitectureDeadline: March 5, 2018Award Goal: $50,000Eligibility: Undergraduate and Graduate StudentsENCEPHALON 2018 DEEP LEARNING SCHOLARSHIPTopic: Create Program to Learn from Unfiltered Online DataDeadline: April 30, 2018Award Goal: $25,000Eligibility: Undergraduate and Graduate StudentsFor requirements, information or to apply:Email grants_apply@techie.com