Founder at Aquarian Power LLC, "For oceans of clean alternative energy" - Constantia, NY, US
"For oceans of clean alternative energy"Powering The Age of AquariusThe United States, in many ways, is living in the 1800's and 1900's in a world dominated by 19th Century Victorian mentalities and fatally flawed false assumptions.One false assumption, for example, was that there was an infinite supply of coal or crude oil. We are falling behind the rest of the world technologically speaking, and we need to lead the world in technological innovations as we once did in the past.We need to best utilize our most promising design engineers in doing applied research and product development with emerging 21st century technologies, in order to find long lasting permanent solutions. Take for example the need for sustainable alternate energy sources such as the three types nuclear fusion being demonstrated in laboratory environments. Where power comes from burning sea water mixed with mineral salts. Not just fruitless research into hard fusion or the ITER project with all those plasma instabilities in the inner containment vessel. And not using a smooth ceramic composite that is harder than naturally occurring diamond.Hence the name of our company is Aquarian (or that which is derived from sea water) Power (from the three types of nuclear fusion). Where these demonstrable technologies in a laboratory environment, pose as much threat as a new fangled spiral florescent light bulb.This is the main focus of this planned parent company. Where nuclear fusion should soon provide us with virtually unlimited and practically free electric power. But we seek to have diversified holdings and income sources and not have all our proverbial eggs in one basket.Our Limited Liability Company, the Aquarian Power holding company, and our thirteen some odd planned independent subsidiaries, may be instrumental in applying 21st century solutions to critical 19th and 20th century problems, not just when it comes to electric power generation.