Join Spirited Granddad • What is "spirited"? Full of energy, enthusiasm, and determination; having a specified character, outlook on life, or mood; enthusiastic, feisty, plucky, spunky, and more. • What is Spirited Granddad? It's For The Loving, Caring Man Of A Certain Age plus his family and friends. It's to encourage Dads to get involved and Granddads to stay involved. It's a community where you share your family adventures and experts advise us about finances, health, video storytelling, and more. It's a place to help you: o Care for you and your health, o Celebrate your grandkids and family, and o Build your finances and retirement for this next part of your life. • Come: tell us your stories, ideas, and solutions for a happy, spirited life. Share your photos, videos, and other ways you're building your legacy so that your grandkids will always know how much you love them. Encourage others to live their lives to the fullest, too. If YOU didn't know that you were waiting your whole life to become a Granddad, you are perfect for this new community. If you're an expert ready to help these men of a certain age, those experts in health, wealth building, retirement, travel and vacations, and other things these men will need in this phase of their lives, please connect with us. Come to Join Us!